Monday 20 December 2010

Evaluation Question Two

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Advertising is something the world generates around, without advertising we would not know about anything from new jobs to prices of things and to know when programmes are on television.
Advertising is very important when new programmes come on television it helps the public know when programmes are being shown and gives them a taster of the programme. Its the same with documentaries. There are different ways to advertise products such as poster advertisiments, billboards, television adverts or radio trailers.
For our coursework our ancillary tasks were to create a newspaper advertisment and a radio trailer these in my opipion would aid the documentary well. The poster is a visual aid to the documentary. It can be featured anywhere from magazines to newspapers and bus shelters to buses. So a wide audience would be able to see the poster. But it does relate to our target audience more as we decided to show our poster in magazines etc. So we would ensure our documentary could be seen. However putting the poster up on buses or bus stops will also ensure a wider audience. The radio trailer on the other hand is much more aimed at our target audience. Our target audience probably drive and are likely to listen to music whilst they are getting ready.
This is all advertising. Because of these advertising technqiues our ancillary tasks aid the documentaries take off. We hoped that with the ancillary tasks more of our target audience and a wider audience will learn about the documentary so they can make the time to watch it. I think the ancillary tasks work will with the documentary. Also it shows more creativety than just a documentary. Alon with different platforms.
The three most common forms of advertising are radio adverts, television adverts and poster adverts. Every media product in the world is advertised in one way or another so to make our main product as realistic as possible we used two of the three most common ways to advertise, to advertise our product.
As said before the poster and the radio aid the documentary well, the different platforms are similaer but stand apart from each other. The poster advertisment is a visual aid to the documentary. With a picture we took as a cutaway actually used in the documentary so the target audience will be able to identify the indivdual poster pictures when they watch the documentary. In that case the radio trailer is a spoken aid to the documentary but again footage such as interview snip it's are used in the radio trailer from the orginal documentary so again the audience will recongnise certain parts of the documentary before they have even watched it once, which creates a positive impact on people from the start.
In conclusion I feel that the combination between my main product and my ancillary tasks would be very effective if this as to be a real media product.

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