Monday, 20 December 2010

Evaluation Question Three

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Getting audience feedback is important as it gives a good insight to th product, how an outsider to the production sees the product and mostly how well the product will take off with the target audience.
We conducted audience feedback, asking six questions that we thought would give us full feedback asking one of each gender of our main target audience and one male slightly older than our main target audience but still falling into the catergory of our target audience.
Overall we got more positive feedback than what I was expecting. When we asked did you enjoy the documentary, all three participants answered yes and when asked why people claimed to like the set out of the documentary and the vaired amount of opipions. One girl said "I usually like to watch documentaries so i was looking forward to watching it, it's good." Also we got more positive feedback when we asked was the documentary interesting, factual and what you expected. Two of the three answered yes to this question saying it was both interesting and factual, that they got a lot of imformation abotu graffiti from the documentary. However we also got a 50/50 for this question but again the feedback was moslty positive as this person said "...all the right bits a documentary should have, it had." Did the documentary flow and stay on topic?, was the next question asked, we got a yes from all our questionees. Them saying that we protayed a balanced arguement with lots of peoples opioions. Lastly for positive feedback was when we asked has the documentary effected you in a good or a bad way? Two of the participants were asked this question and both said in a good way. "It was nice to listen to the graffiti artist and to get his views." One man said that he was interested in the graffiti topic and he was looking forward to watching the documentary. It is nice to get positive feedback about something that you have worked on.
However we got some negative feedback or suggestions if ou will which is also a good thing as positive critism only helps. We asked the people was there anything you did not like or found boring about the documentary? Two people said they did not find the documentary boring but one questionee said he didnt like the one of the music tracks as he felt like i didnt go with the documentary topic- graffiti. When asked can you suggest any improvements the people asked said we could have used more people interviews to get more points of view also they suggested that we could have used bigger names in graffiti such as Banksy more often.
We are glad we didnt just get positive feedback as if we was making the full documenatry we could now take this feedback and make the documentary can be as good as it can be. But overall the feedback was positive and that is nice, it was interesting to find out peoples different viewsa on the documentary.

<iframe frameborder="0" height="295" src="" width="480"></iframe> (our audience feedback video)

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