Monday 4 October 2010

Group role and production brief

My group and i decided on our roles easily and quickly. I asked if anyone would mind if i was the director as i did that last year and felt that that is where i could work to my best abililty. The group did not have a problem with that so for my A2 media coursework this year i will be the director. I understand that my role is to make sure everything is working well, the filming, editing and research and to make sure that everyone is happy and getting along as a group. I will be a big part of the decision making and the paper work side of the courseowrk. Sustika decided to be the sound person. Anju decided to be the camera person and Phillip was happy to be the editor. We have been asked to work in a group to create a documentary on any chosen topic. Within the documentary interviews are expected so we will be conducting interviews throughout the coursework that are relevant to our topic. Also we have been asked to create a blog which contains a number of things that will help with the planning and research into the documentary and our topic. Along with a personal blog that will contain our ancillary tasks and evaluation of the coursework. The ancillary tasks are a newspaper advertisement and a radio trailer that will both promote our documentary. We came up with a lot of different topics before coming to an untied decision within the group.  We chose to do graffiti as our topic as we felt it was a controversial topic that we could take to many different directions also it is a topic that not many others have explored so it was not an obvious subject and was something new for us to do.  

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